Saying Goodbye to the Old Find a Grave


Those of you who have been using the old version of the site will likely have noticed the message we put up this week about the upcoming closure of that old version. We are sad to see it go. It has served long and well and the community and valuable content that has grown up around Find a Grave are amazing. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of that.

We know the transition to the new site has been hard for some people. Over the past 8 months, the old version of the site has provided a safety net and a point of comparison as we’ve received feedback and worked to improve the new version of the site and make sure it was ready to go. We have kept the old site available for as long as we could, but the time has come to close it down. We’ll do that on Monday, August 20.

While we’ve received a lot of positive feedback and helpful suggestions about the new site, we’ve also heard from people who really love the old site for its compact display and familiar feel. While we can’t keep the old site around, we will continue to work to improve the new site. If there are specific things you think we can improve or tasks that you think we can make easier on the new site, please use the “Send Feedback” link in the footer of the site to let us know.

For those of you still struggling to learn to use the new site, we hope the tutorial videos, linked to from the purple “Tutorials” button at the bottom right of pages of the site will help. You can contact us at with specific questions or visit the “Ask the Community” message board to get help from other Find a Grave users.

We love Find a Grave and look forward to working with you as we continue to make the site better.