Security Update


We’ve completed work on an update to the site that includes some bug fixes and improvements. Perhaps the most important are some security updates.

As a result of these updates, next time you come to the site, you will be asked to sign in and reset your password and there will be a requirement for your password to be at least 8 characters and to include some different types of characters.

Our plan is to roll these changes tomorrow morning.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause, but it’s a necessary change to help keep people’s information secure on the site.

If you have any trouble signing in, just click the “Forgot Password?” link on the sign in page, enter the email address you use for the site and we’ll send you a link that signs you in and takes you right to the reset password page.

If you run into a problem you can’t work out, send an email to and we’ll see what we can do to help.

Thanks for your patience as we work to improve the security and performance of the site.


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